
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Classy Kitchen 101

For most women (and some men) the favorite room in the house is HER kitchen. The fastest way to get in trouble is to step out of line in her kitchen. The classy cook in the house will keep a well stocked pantry, a sparkling shiny sink, and a well rounded refrigerator. 

Dream on…. Now let’s come back to the reality of everyday living.

I’m not sure if it’s fate or destiny but 99% of the time after I’ve cleaned the kitchen and swept and mopped the floor, someone comes through and spills a glass of milk or tea. The old saying "don’t cry over spilt milk" comes to mind. Many times you might just feel like crying over that spilled milk.

A good way to keep a well stocked pantry and a well rounded refrigerator is to check the sale papers weekly at your local grocery stores. Basically you stock up on the foods you eat while they are on sale. This past week our local store had Top Sirloin Steak on sale and I purchased 4 or 5 packages. This week they had pot roast and pork chops, again I stocked up. So now I have about 2 weeks’ worth of meat. Another great item to stay stocked up on is can veggies. Watch your store sales and purchase them when they are on sale for a good price. Their shelf life makes them a smart item to stock up on.

Now to keep a fresh, clean kitchen and sparkly sink I follow moms’ favorite advice… “It’s easier to clean a little mess than a big one”.  To get a sparkly shiny sink, I scrub it with Clorox powder. Not only does it shine my sink but it also kills any germs and bacteria.

Many times, especially with larger families, it is a real challenge to stay stocked up and keep the kitchen sparkly. The Classy Family will do the best they can, with the time they have, with what they have. In my own classy family, I’ve learned not to stress over every little thing. Life is more than keeping a perfect house. We just prioritize and do the best we can.