
Monday, April 4, 2011

Handling Difficult Situations with Class

As a little girl raised just outside of Houston I was adapted to city living. City living has it's benefits but it also has it's problems. All through my school days we had to ride the school bus. Now, things haven't changed much since I rode the school bus. Unfortunately there were, still is, and always will be those bullies, and mean kids that  has to be dealt with on a daily basis. As hard as it was, I was taught to just ignore the name calling and bullying. For children that can be hard to do sometimes, but if they ever master the concept it will be their best friend throughout their whole life. We were taught the reason those bullies would keep picking on us was because we got angry. That is what they were trying to do and so they would keep it up. When we would simply ignore them, they would get no satisfaction and would move on to the next poor kid. That was a CLASSY way to handle the bullies, and it worked every time.

The art of ignoring bullies as a child has been beneficial to me since I've become an adult. Believe it or not there are adults who have never stopped bullying. You will find them on the job, in the department stores, at the beach, at the ball games, at school events, in restaurants, in airports, in doctors offices, anywhere there are people and crowds you will find a bully.

To sum it up, my tip for anyone who wants to live a classy lifestyle is to lift your head up and just ignore people who are intentionally trying to get under your skin. You can walk away from an undesirable situation knowing you had the control over your own emotions by simply ignoring.

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